Observed slowing of clocks
     Before we get to the explanation, let's look at more strange results of the experiment. Aboard ship A it will be observed that time on B is advancing more slowly than before. For every 10 seconds that pass on A, only 8 seconds pass on B. And, as you might expect, observers(c) aboard B observe that the clocks on A are running at only eight-tenths of the rate of the clocks on B. This too is consistent with experimental evidence and the predictions of relativity theory.

     Also, notice that when ship B is passing A after making the round trip, B's clocks have advanced less during the trip than A's clocks. We will see that this slowing of clocks that make a round trip is another secondary consequence of the quantum medium. The primary consequence of the medium causing all the perplexing phenomena we've been discussing is the dependence of the energy exchange rate in a body on the body's "absolute velocity" (i.e. the body's velocity through the quantum medium). Regardless of the absolute velocity of the ships before B's trip, the round trip causes a combination of absolute velocities of ship B that result in an average energy exchange rate in B that is less than the rate in A. This will become clearer later. Or, to understand this now, please click the "qmv VIDEOS" icon below and watch the Introduction Part I and Introduction Part II videos.

Ship B passing ship A as seen by observers(c) aboard A (left) and aboard B (right).

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