Experiments for understanding qm view
The experiments explained at the links below shed light on the law of constant light speed, c, the qm view, and relativity
theory. The experiments include thought experiments and experiments that can be conducted with current technologies.
Some of the experiments are well known and some are new or modified experiments that show clearly problems with the
concepts of light speed, c, and relativity theory. Therefore, the experiments should be of wide academic interest.
Most of the past experiments have been controversial because relativity theory makes ambiguous or conflicting predictions.
These experiments have been discussed at length by many experts. The experiments are all cases where the experimental
results are explained clearly and unambiguously by the qm view, and cannot be explained via the constant light speed, c,
assumption and relativity theory.
Relativity clocks paradox experiment
This experiment can be conducted with existing technology. It shows conclusively that relativity theory causes incorrect
predictions and observations that disagree with the outcome of the experiment.
Tube and rod paradox experiment
This thought experiment is a good example of the ambiguity inherent in relativity theory. The qm view explanation for the
paradox shows that the paradox is an illusion due to an illusion of constant light speed, c.
Light speed, c, experiment
A simple experiment conducted with aircraft and atomic clocks showing that the speeds of light relative to a body change
when the body's velocity changes.
Thread-breaking experiment (a.k.a. Bell's spaceship experiment)
A simple thought experiment that shows the confusion inherent in relativity theory (and the resulting disagreement
among experts). The qm view does not result in the confusion because it provides a clear understanding of the physical
causes of a body's length change due to a change in the body's lengthwise velocity.